Effective Witnesses in Car Accident Cases in New York

Injury Lawyers NYC Representing People Injured In Car Accidents in New York

Car accidents can result in very serious and potentially catastrophic injuries to accident victims and are unfortunately common in the state of New York. In fact, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) indicates that there were 118,465 non-fatal car crashes in 2014 alone.

Even in cases where liability is clear, insurance companies often try and point to preexisting medical injuries, conditions, and treatment, in an attempt to show that a car accident victim’s present injuries and damages were not caused by the auto accident.

Independent (Lay) Witnesses

Independent witnesses are usually other drivers on the roadway at the time of the auto accident, other pedestrians, vehicle passengers, or passersby who were present at the scene and who were eyewitnesses to the car accident.  These independent witnesses can testify about weather and temperature conditions, traffic conditions, visibility problems, positions of traffic signals, locations of signs and other traffic control devices in the vicinity, and the approximate speeds of the vehicles involved.

Expert Witnesses

In many car accident cases, expert witness testimony is crucial to uncovering the facts surrounding the accident.  The most common type of expert witness used in car accident cases is an accident reconstruction specialist, who can do the following:

  • use their scientific knowledge to calculate vehicle speeds, directions, locations, momentums, and stopping distances
  • testify in court and provide opinion testimony
  • develop physical and computer models to present to a jury at trial

Expert witness testimony is especially important in cases where no eyewitnesses were present at the accident scene.

Healthcare Providers

In cases where the nature and extent of injuries and damages are being disputed, healthcare providers, such as physicians and nurses, can testify about a car accident victim’s injuries and permanency.  Medical experts can also testify that in their opinion, the subject car accident – and not prior accidents, injuries, or preexisting medical conditions – led to the accident victim’s current pain, injuries, and damages (or made any preexisting conditions worse).

Call New York Car Accident Attorney For A Free Consultation

If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, you need immediate legal representation in order to safeguard your rights and maximize your case value. An experienced car accident lawyer can represent you throughout your entire case – including at trial – and can determine who should testify at trial and at other legal proceedings.

To schedule a free consultation with Injury Lawyer NYC, call us today at 718-307-5554 or contact us online.



Car Accident Lawyer Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Injury Lawyers NYC are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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