New York follows the “pure comparative negligence rule.” If you are 10 percent at fault, your damages award will be reduced by 10 percent.
Tag: accident lawyer brooklyn ny
4 Seasons Of Personal Injury
Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Injured Victims Of Negligence One of the greatest things about New York is the changing of the seasons. As the temperatures and weather patterns change during the year, so will the activities in which you participate.
Should I Use an Attorney to Help With My Auto Accident Claim?
Should I Use an Attorney to Help With My Auto Accident Claim? New York is a No-Fault Insurance State, meaning that most personal injury claims arising from traffic accidents are paid by your own insurance.

New York City Construction Industry 2018 was the most dangerous year in nearly a decade
New York Construction Accident Lawyer Representing Injured Workers Construction industry is filled with numerous risks and potential hazards, especially in New York City.

How To Deal With New York’s Aggressive Drivers
Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyer Helping Injured Victims Of Car Accidents Recover Compensation Everybody knows that driving in New York City is tough—and data indicate that driving in Brooklyn can be among the toughest driving in New York City.

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?
How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth? Perhaps the most difficult question to answer about an accident that results in a personal injury is, “What is my case/claim worth?” That’s not the first question—not even close.

Icy Roads Car Accidents, The Dangers Of Winter Driving
Danger Of Icy Road Car Accidents During Winter Driving Severe winter weather can frighten and endanger motorists. More than 116,000 Americans suffer injuries on snowy and icy roads every winter.

4 Common Myths About Personal Injury Claims
What are 4 most common myths about personal injury claims? If someone else’s negligent or reckless behavior injured you, consider talking to a personal injury lawyer, because New York law may entitle you to compensation for your medical bills, lost time at work, property damage, and pain and suffering.

Should you seek medical treatment after a Serious Head Injury?
What is Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)? Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is usually caused by a sudden physical jolt or blow to the head, neck, or body that results in a brain malfunction, which can range from temporary to permanent.

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Car Driver Inattention/Negligence
Accident Lawyer NYC Representing Victims Injured In Motorcycle Accidents As a motorcycle rider, you are probably all too aware of the dangers of a crash. In fact, in 2013, riders were 26 times more likely than drivers to die in an accident, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.