What is Pokemon Go ?

Since Pokemon Go was released recently, it became an overnight success and sensation not just in the US, but around the world, as well. Video games are an excellent way to blow some steam, unwind and emerge yourself into a fantasy world, which explains their huge success.  The augmented reality game is based on the Japanese franchise loved by millions of fans around the globe and allows games to use their mobile devices and search for virtual ‘Pokemon’ at various real-life locations, such as shops and parks. Its popularity is growing on a daily basis.

The Dangers of Pokemon Go

However, the app seems to have a dark side too, as demonstrated by a number of injury and crime reports emerged since its release. Several people have ended up in the Emergency Room with accident related injuries after Pokemon Go related falls and two friends crashed their car into a woman’s flowerbed after they decided to chase a ‘Pokemon’ to the nearest town.

The virtual creatures seem to be causing quite a lot of problems to the wanna-be Pokemon trainers – sprained and broken ankles, mishaps with revolving doors and clashes into trees and buildings seem to be common. One Internet user shared a story about his friend who tried to catch a ‘Raticate’, only to fall down the water at the docks. Not surprisingly, many people have already admitted they catch themselves almost walking into things even though the app features several warnings.

But a personal injury is not the end of it. A girl has reportedly found a dead body on one of her Pokemon Go walks around the neighborhood, and the app was involved in a huge parking lot robbery a few days ago. The robbers released a number of Pokemons in the lot, only to break into the wanna-be trainers’ cars once they stopped and started searching for the virtual creatures.

Another guy reported being thrown off his bike while trying to catch some ‘Pidgeys’ on his way home. While coming out of a turn, his wheel slipped and turned out the other way; distracted and with his phone in hand, he flew from his bike and landed on the edge of a sidewalk, where he proceeded to slide and roll down the hill. Fortunately, this trainer seemed to have quite some luck since the only injuries he suffered were a scratched shoulder and a sore ankle but authorities are urging people to be more careful and attentive when using the app.

Some things to consider

These are just some of the injuries and accidents associated with the new Pokemon Go.  More and more reports emerge on a daily basis. As exciting and innovative as this app might be, it is still a good idea to exercise some caution when chasing after your favorite pokemons.


If injured while playing Pokeman Go in New York City or by a player contact Brooklyn Personal Injury Attorney of The Rybak Firm, PLLC. (718)307-5554

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