Statute of Limitations – Don’t let it run out and lose.

Personal Injury Lawyer Helping Accident Victims Get The Compensation They Deserve

We receive many phone calls from people who sustained injuries in car accidentsconstruction accidentsslip and fall accidents and many other type of accidents and continue to suffer pain and discomfort years later after the accident happened. They want our help to pursue a lawsuit to recover damages and compensation for their pain and suffering.  However, what we have discovered is very so often is that people wait a very long time to contact us. Sometimes so long that the statute of limitations has run or very close to running out, leaving us powerless or with almost no time to pursue the case.  Unfortunately once the statute of limitation has run, even the most experienced personal injury attorney in New York City is powerless to help.

Why do People fail To Make a Personal Injury Claim?

There are many reasons why people fail to make a claim and pursue a lawsuit.  Sometimes people believe that the pain caused by the accident related injuries is temporary and will go away in a short period of time. That may be true, however, having a medical professional perform a thorough examination is probably a smarter idea rather than to self-diagnose. Another common reason is, the injured feel that if they were to pursue a lawsuit they would end up hurting their friends or family members who are the insured. This is further from the truth, and the only people they are hurting are themselves.

Many times they fail to seek medical attention, which is crucial to their recovery.  In addition, the injured parties’  medical costs could be covered by the insurance company of the insured.  As an example, medical coverage for injuries caused by an auto accident in New York is mandatory under the New York State No-Fault Law. This also applies to a pedestrian accident in New York.

Seeking Professional Help for Accident Injuries in New York

If the injured were to seek medical help right away there’s a good chance that the affects of their accident injuries may have been treated and the long term effects minimized. Seeking the legal advice of an experienced personal injury attorney in New York City would help them better understand the options available to them.  Personal Injury Lawyers of The Rybak Firm, PLLC., provide Free and confidential case consultations and reviews. You can complete a “CONTACT FORM” on our website or Call  (718)307-5554

We Are Available 24/7

Don’t get stuck with long-term effects of accident injuries. Often times injuries could’ve been resolved had the medical attention been sought right away.  As a result of the accident injuries, injured person may be entitled to recover compensation for the damages, medical costs, and pain and suffering. Don’t wait to seek help that is readily available to you.

Your health is very important and nothing should stand in the way of your recovery.

Contact Brooklyn Personal Injury Attorney.

Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY. We serve the entire NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Personal Injury Attorneys are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

Statute of Limitation for Personal Injury in New York

Slip and Fall Accidents New York3 years from date of accident
Car Accidents New York3 years from date of accident
Product Liability New York3 years from date of accident
Other Negligence resulting in Personal Injury New York3 years from date of accident
Emotional Distress (Negligent) New York3 years from date of accident
Medical Malpractice New York2 1/2 years from date of malpractice or from end of continuous treatment rendered by the party or entity you intend to sue for a particular condition, illness or injury
Wrongful Death New York2 years from date of accident

2 replies on “Statute of Limitations – Don’t let it run out and lose.”

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system

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