Common Back Injuries Caused by Accidents

Accident Lawyer NYC Representing Victims Injured Result In Motorcycle Accidents

Spring is here, and summer is fast approaching, which means motorcycle season is upon us. While you may be anxious to get your bike out of storage and hit the open road, it is important to keep in mind that riding a motorcycle puts you at significant risk of serious injury.

Be Aware

With more and more bikers hitting the road, it is especially important for drivers of automobiles to be on the lookout for motorcycles. Likewise, it is important for motorcycle riders to enjoy their ride while making sure to use safe riding practices. Here are a few tips to keep everyone on the road safe this motorcycle season:

Cars often crash into motorcycles head on, which can prove fatal for motorcyclists. It is crucial for both bikers and drivers to remain alert and avoid the “highway hypnosis” that can come with long road trips.

Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Sometimes, motorcycles attempt to use their small size to beat traffic jams. Bikers will weave between two lanes of car traffic to try to snake ahead more quickly. Car drivers don’t expect a motorcycle or any other vehicle to appear beside them at any given moment, which can lead to disaster. Lane splitting also puts the motorcycle in tight spaces, which may be harder to judge than the rider thinks.

Lane splitting is legal in some states, but it is NOT permissible in New York. Bikers should avoid the temptation to beat the traffic by engaging in this dangerous practice.

Road Hazards Are Extra Dangerous for Motorcyclists

Because motorcycles are relatively small vehicles that depend on balance, any hazards in the roadway – such as debris, potholes, slick spots or objects in the road – are especially dangerous.

While motorcyclist must use caution to keep an eye out for road irregularities, sometimes it is unavoidable. A motorcyclist who gets injured by a road hazard might be able to seek recovery for his or her injuries and damages if a road hazard was the result of someone else’s negligence. This is a case-by-case situation that must be evaluated by an experienced New York Motorcycle Accident Lawyer.

Call The Rybak Firm,PLLC Today to Speak with a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Contact the Accident Lawyer NYC of The Rybak Firm, PLLC today if you’ve been involved and injured in a motorcycle accident. Call us at (718)307-5554, and our experienced Personal Injury Lawyers will help with all aspects of your accident.

Accident Lawyer Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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