2 Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Personal Injury Lawyer Helping Victims Of Pedestrian Accidents in New York Recover Compensation

Most pedestrians choose to walk for the health benefits and the simple pleasure of it. Few people consider walking a dangerous activity, but pedestrian accidents are not uncommon. When you’re on foot, you’re even more vulnerable to injury in a traffic collision. Enjoy your outdoor walks, but remember that your goal is to arrive safely. Follow the safety rules of the road and beware of the two most common causes of pedestrian accidents – distracted drivers and impaired drivers.

Walk Safely

You wouldn’t head out in your car without buckling up and following the traffic rules.1 Nor should you head out on foot without taking the proper pedestrian precautions:

  • Have a plan – know your destination, choose a safe walking route, and allow yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.
  • Wear bright or light-colored clothing that’s easy to see (and wear reflective material at night).
  • Walk on designated walkways when possible.
  • Stay alert to the traffic around you.
  • Follow posted pedestrian traffic signs.
  • Always look both ways before crossing any street.

These are the basics of pedestrian safety, but there’s more to consider.

Beware of Distracted and Drunk Drivers

Distracted drivers are such a danger that the Department of Transportation has an entire website devoted to the issue of distracted driving.2 Many drivers are under the mistaken belief that they are more than capable of driving while also engaging in other activities (often related to handheld devices). These drivers are usually unaware of just how distracted and dangerous they are.


Operating a motor vehicle demands instantaneous decision-making and optimal reaction times, so an accident caused by a distracted driver is not really an accident as much as it is a traffic crash, as defined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Driving while distracted can lead to disastrous results and injuries.


Drunk drivers are another dangerous consideration for pedestrians. In fact, alcohol is a factor in nearly half of all traffic fatalities. Driving under the influence of alcohol (or other drugs) is yet another form of negligent driving – often a deadly form.

If You’ve Been Hurt in a Pedestrian Accident in Brooklyn NY or anywhere in the Metropolitan New York, Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or your loved one has been injured by a distracted or drunk driver’s negligence in Brooklyn  NY or New York City area, do not hesitate to call The Rybak Firm, PLLC. Our skilled Personal Injury Attorneys are adept at fighting for and obtaining the compensation and legal justice that you deserve. We have an extensive experience handling pedestrian accident cases like yours, and are here to help you. Give The Rybak Firm, PLLC., a call today at (718)307-5554 or contact us online to schedule a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer.

Accident Lawyer Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Accident Lawyers NYC are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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