Top 3 Recipes To Shed The Risk Of Semi Truck Accident

Car Accident Lawyer Helping Injured Victims Of Semi Truck Accident in Brooklyn NY and Throughout Entire New York City Get The Compensation They Deserve

Accidents with commercial trucks involve a very different set of issues than
 normal automobile accidents. The truck accident lawyers of The Rybak Firm, PLLC., understand the specific nuances involved in semi truck and tractor-trailer accidents. We have the resources necessary to pursue your case. Truck accident cases can be costly to pursue and to properly investigate; having the necessary resources to handle these tasks is essential!

Top 3 Instant Solution To Slim Down The Chances Of A Semi Truck Accident

Each year, thousands of people are injured in automobile accidents involving commercial trucks – in fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 116,000 people were injured in these kinds of car accidents in 2015 alone.

As a resident of New York City, you are likely aware of the fact that it is next to impossible to go out into parts of the city without being in close proximity with semi trucks or large commercial trucks. As a result, each time you leave the house, you are at a risk of being involved in an auto accident with one of these massive vehicles. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to reduce this risk and make sure that you are as safe as possible when you are out and about. These include the following:

  1. Know the “No Zones” – Large commercial vehicles such as semi-trucks and 18 wheeler trucks have much larger blind spots than smaller automobiles. These “No Zones” include the area right in front of the truck, on either side, and just behind the truck. Remember, if you can’t see a truck’s mirrors, then the truck driver cannot see you either. You should always stay out of these no zones whenever possible and pass through them as quickly as possible when passing a large truck.
  2. Never Drink and Drive – One of the best ways to reduce your risk and risking the well being of others of involvement in a car accident of any kind is to never get behind the wheel after you have consumed alcohol. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of a DUI, your ability to drive safely can be affected by even small amounts of alcohol.
  3. Avoid Trucks that are Driving Erratically – If you see a large truck that is swaying in the wind or weaving in its lane, make sure to give it plenty of space. (Truck Driver Error is the Leading Cause of Semi Truck Accidents)

Schedule Free Consultation With Semi Truck Accident Lawyer Of The Rybak Firm, PLLC

Unfortunately, there is very little you can do to completely eliminate your risk of involvement in a car accident. In the event that you or your loved ones are injured in an automobile accident, you should contact an experienced Car Accident Lawyer as soon as you can. Our Personal Injury Attorneys will help you understand your legal options and will guide you through the complex process of dealing with insurance companies to negotiating and securing your compensation.  Call 718-307-5554 Available 24/7 or complete a quick ‘Contact Us Form‘ and will will respond promptly.

Truck Accident Attorney Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the entire NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Accident Lawyers are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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