Car Accidents At Low Speeds
Car Accident Lawyer Helping Injured Victims Get The Compensation For Their Injuries
Whenever you find yourself in stop-and-go traffic, which is pretty common throughout New York City during rush hour. Every few minutes, you may get to move a few feet. Cars are bumper to bumper, and everyone is just hoping that the bottleneck will uncork and they will begin to move at a reasonable speed soon enough.
A driver behind you might jump the gun a little and bump you in their eagerness to get moving. They weren’t moving very fast, and you don’t see any damage to your car or feel like you were injured. You go ahead and trade insurance information, but you don’t really expect to have to make a claim. You may not even make report the accident because you think it’s not worth the time.
A few hours or days later, the neck pain sets in, your car starts making a noise that it never made before.
Even low speed auto collisions can cause an injury and property damage, especially if the other vehicle was a bigger and heavier than yours. Often the harm isn’t readily apparent at the time of the collision, but emerges later.
Whiplash Caused By Car Accident
Whiplash is the common term for the type of injury that happens when a person’s neck suddenly stretches beyond its normal length as the result of an impact. That hyperextension of the neck can result in muscle tears, spasms, neck pain or stiffness, back pain, disc herniation, nerve damage, and headaches. If not treated, the problems only tend to get worse with time.
Experts say that whiplash is actually more likely to happen in a low or moderate speed rear end collisions than in high speed accidents. A crash of 5 or 10 mph can injure a person, even though your car may not be damaged at that speed.
Proving Delayed Damage
When you are injured or your car is damaged in a car wreck and you want to make a claim for compensation, it is your responsibility to prove that you suffered harm that was caused by the other person’s negligent, reckless or intentional behavior. But drawing that connection between the other driver’s actions and your injuries can be challenging when you don’t feel hurt until later.
If you feel OK at the time of the car accident and refuse medical treatment, but then start to feel stiff and sore a couple of days later, you’ll need a doctor to document your injuries and rule out causes other than the car accident. It is also a good idea to consult with an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer who handles cases involving low speed auto crashes and knows what kind of evidence you’ll need to support your claim.
How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help
A good Car Accident Lawyer can hire an investigator to reconstruct the auto accident and find the details that prove what happened, including evidence that supports the negligence of the other driver, and that your injuries or damages were caused by the accident. Once the evidence is gathered, your Accident Lawyer will pull together the medical bills, accident reports, repair invoices, receipts, photos, witness testimony, and expert reports to make a demand for settlement from party or parties that are legally responsible for your damages. Your Auto Accident Lawyer will negotiate on your behalf and try to obtain a settlement. If that’s not possible, car accident lawyer can file a lawsuit and make the argument in support of your claim to a judge or jury.
Car Accident Lawyer Near Me
Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY. Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Car Accident Lawyers are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.
Our office address is:
1810 Voorhies Ave
Suite #7
Brooklyn, NY 11235
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