Personal Injury Lawyer. 5 Reasons You Need To Hire One.

Personal Injury Lawyer Brooklyn NY Representing People Injured in Accidents

Did you know that Injured victims represented by a personal injury lawyer receive, on average 3.5 times more in a settlement than unrepresented victims?

3.5 times more if you have a personal injury attorney. The reason for it is not because attorneys inflate the value of your personal injury claim but because the insurance companies take advantage of people who are not represented by a personal injury lawyer.

  1. New York Personal Injury Lawyers Know How Much The Claim is Worth:

Most people don’t know how much money they can get from their personal injury claims.  Although there are tools such as a personal injury settlement calculator that can help you establish a rough idea of the value your personal injury case it will not give an accurate estimate of the final value of the settlement.  Getting a high insurance settlement is more than just putting numbers in a calculator.

It requires understanding the subtleties of the specific injury case.  This includes analyzing injuries, putting a value on pain and suffering, understanding how the insurance companies work and negotiating the accident settlement. When pursuing an insurance claim without a New York Personal Injury Lawyer, the injured party will only be guessing at what the injuries are worth and this could translate in thousands of dollars lost.  Since most New York Accident Attorneys take personal injury cases on a contingency basis, the client will not have any upfront costs and therefore there is little reason not to hire an experienced personal injury attorney.  Hiring a personal injury attorney allows the client to leverage the tools and experiences of the personal injury law firm to obtain a higher insurance settlement.

  1. New York Personal Injury Lawyer Understands the Legal Process:

Even if the client has a good idea of what the personal injury settlement might be worth, they may be unfamiliar with the legal procedures involved with litigating or mediating the claim.  This includes not knowing which legal documents to file, how to properly complete forms, and the applicable statute of limitations.  The gap in the legal knowledge may allow the insurance companies to beat the client on a legal technicality.

  1. New York Personal Injury Attorney Improves The Odds:

Going against the insurance company is like preparing for battle.  Undertaking such a battle without a personal injury attorney is similar to showing up to fight with no weapons.  No matter how much the client prepares on their own, they just won’t be able to put up a strong fight or put the best foot forward. The insurance company knows that it has far more knowledge and bargaining power and will use this to ensure that the settlement figure will be as low as possible. They will use client’s unfamiliarity with the claim process to ensure that their interests are protected.  The best weapon that the client can garner for themselves is a skilled New York Personal Injury Attorney who can increase the chances of obtaining a higher insurance settlement.

  1. Personal Injury Attorney Is Motivated to Help:

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis.  This means they will only get paid if the client receives a monetary award or a settlement.  This is incredibly beneficial, since the client has someone who has experience working against insurance companies, motivated to help to get the highest settlement possible.

  1. Personal Injury Lawyer Can Take The Case to Trial:

Most accident injury cases never go to trial. Statistics show that most personal injury cases are settled.  Statistics also show that there is a high likelihood that a jury will rule against insurance companies.  Therefore, having an experienced Personal Injury Attorney NYC to represent the client signals to the insurance companies that the client is prepared to fight all the way to the trial.  This will likely motivate an insurance company to seek an earlier and more equitable settlement offer.

There is a Difference When it Comes to Selecting Personal Injury Lawyer for your New York Personal Injury Case

While we always adhere to the most ethical standards, we prepare every personal injury case as if it is going to trial. Our meticulous case preparation enables us to secure the most favorable resolution for our clients– via settlement negotiations, arbitration or trial.

We encourage you to speak with our Perrsonal Injury Lawyer Brooklyn NY for a free consultation following an accident to advise you of your legal rights and potential claims. Knowing that an accidents can happen when we least expect, we are available 24/7 (718)307-5554 and can schedule appointments with you at your home, hospital or rehabilitation facility. We provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Personal Injury Attorneys are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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