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New York Elevator and Escalator Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer Representing People Injured As A Result Of Elevator and Escalator Accident

The Rybak Firm, PLLC., helps people throughout New York City and beyond who have been injured in elevator accident. We also represent those injured in escalator accident. Injured people have turned to our Personal Injury Lawyers for dedicated, strategic legal representation. We are able to handle any type of situation, including:

  • A sudden drop in floors
  • An elevator that is stuck between floors
  • The elevator doors open into an open elevator shaft
  • Mis–leveling
  • Door entrapment
  • Car entrapment
  • Sudden acceleration
  • Sudden deceleration
  • Overspeed conditions
  • Defective governors
  • Improper hoist cable maintenance
  • Interlock circuit bypass
  • Communication failure
  • Safety device failure

Our premises liability attorneys take strong action designed to hold the appropriate parties accountable. These parties can include the owner of the building, the company charged with maintaining the elevator, and any other party. We will work closely with you to determine your medical expenses, lost income due to the elevator and escalator accident and other losses. We will prepare a strong legal claim designed to recover compensation in either settlement or trial if necessary.

Elevator and Escalator Accident In New York

Due to New York City being one of the most densely populated areas in the world the  construction of tall building is required with elevators being a vital component of many buildings. There are more than 60,000 elevators in New York City alone. Elevators must be properly maintained and serviced regularly in order to ensure the safety of those using the elevators. Given the potential dangers associated with elevators, building owners must comply with numerous state and city regulations. When building owners fail to meet these regulations, serious injuries and even death can result.

Additionally, millions of people ride escalators to transport them from floor to floor inside department stores, subways, train stations and other places. The majority of escalator accidents are caused by the improper servicing or installation of the escalator equipment which could have been detected by the performance of proper inspection, servicing and maintenance.

A large percentage of people injured in escalator accident are often young children. Special precautions and laws were enacted to help prevent young children from being injured on an escalator. Unfortunately, many of these safety devices are either not installed, or installed improperly, or are inadequately maintained.

Similar rules apply for both escalators and elevators. The company that services, maintains, and inspects the elevator or escalator has a duty to ensure that it is operating properly and is free of conditions that might pose a hazard to persons using the elevator or escalator. Such companies can be held liable for injuries resulting from its negligence in inspecting, maintaining, and servicing the elevator or escalator. If the owner or operator fails to have the elevator or escalator regularly for dangerous condition, it can be held liable for injuries to or death of persons using the elevator or escalator.

Our New York Personal Injury Lawyers Have The Experience And Knowledge To Successfully Advocate For The People Injured In Elevator Accident And Escalator Accident In New York

If you have been injured in an elevator accident or escalator accident please don’t wait to contact our The Rybak Firm., Today. Call us at (718)307-5554 to schedule a free consultation and confidential case evaluation. You can also contact us on the internet. We can come to your home or the hospital if you are unable to come to our office.

Personal Injury Lawyers Near Me

Our offices are located in Brooklyn, NY.  Although our offices are in Brooklyn, NY we serve the whole NYC Metro Area and represent clients in every borough of New York City. Our Personal Injury Attorneys are able to travel to you if you are unable to meet at our offices due to an injury. We also provide free transportation to and from our offices.

Our office address is:

1810 Voorhies Ave

Suite #7

Brooklyn, NY 11235

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